Draconian reptilians
Draconian reptilians

The Moon is still a mystery and the fact we haven't returned has many skeptics creating theories as to why. Did Stanley Kubrick film the moon landing while working on his notorious film 2001 : A Space Odyssey? Buzz Aldrin admitted to life elsewhere and megaliths on Mars on Live Television. Is it mere coincidence that both Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong were Freemasons. The dark side of the Moon and Mars have megaliths, pyramids, and alien bases according to numerous astronauts following the Apollo missions. NASA used Nazis to power the Apollo Missions to the Moon Base (Earth's Mysterious Satellite) or so they say. Many believe The Thule Society was well advanced in occult practices, could open portals to different dimensions, and moved to Antarctica to begin secret experimentation with flying saucers. Operation Paperclip refers to NASA's recruitment of Nazi Scientists who immigrated to America, Antarctica, and Argentina to continue working on inventions and rockets powered by technology passed down from those above. Operation Paperclip was formed after the end of World War II. The Thule Society that influenced the rise of the Third Reich and Hitler's Nazi Regime had knowledge from extraterrestrials and it is apparent when we look into the creation of NASA. Darwinism is obviously a cover up used by academia alongside Einstein's theory of relativity when one mentions reverse-engineering anti-gravity spacecraft. The idea is scary, frightening, and defies everything about the world of science we were taught. The film "They Live" is closer to our reality than one can even fathom. The Reptilian Connection To Royal Bloodlines and Corrupt Government Officials has stood the test of numerous years and David Icke is one of the many advocates of this so-called conspiracy.

Draconian reptilians